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🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"
🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"
🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"
🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"
🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"
🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"

🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 TOSCO |【羊】火山洞芝士【半硬芝士 偏硬、風味強烈於藍芝士、氣味強、稍辣】 - Tuscanian "FOSSA Pecorino"

每 / per 

強烈之王———火山洞芝士:於指定的角礫(火山)凝灰岩地洞,才能熟成的綿羊芝士 。


蜂蜜:柑橘蜂蜜 、栗子蜂蜜
葡萄酒:Rosso Piceno, Sangiovese dei Colli Pesaresi, Sangiovese di Romagna


Underground-matured Sheep Cheese with Strong Flavour.

Pecorino di Fossa, also called Ambra di Talamellois one of the most exquisite and unique Italian cheeses. It is a traditional sheep cheese dating back to the Middle Ages. "Fossa" means pit, because this cheese is aged in an underground oval sandstone pits.This wonderful table cheese is sold vacuum-sealed and should be removed from the bag 24 hours before being eaten. 

Strong, determined, and with notes of mushroom and wine gained during the aging process, this hard cheese demands a try!

The cheese's name, which literally means "cheese of the pit", is derived from the process of ripening the cheese in special pits dug in tuff rock

Born by chance, Pecorino di Fossa is a very particular type of cheese that is matured by wrapping it in white sheets, underground in unique flask-shaped tuff pits. It is usually during the end of summer and the beginning of autumn that this characteristic cheese is matured, when the dry tuff gives the cheese that aroma and intense flavor typical of this cheese.

In addition to being grated, it is special on its own with acacia honey, but it finds many solutions in the kitchen as a filling for cannelloni or crepes. To accompany it it is excellent with sweet white wines, or an aged red.


Pasteurized sheep's milk, salt, traditional rennet, culture

Organoleptic properties

Aspect and texture: hard cheese with an irregular shape

Taste: nutty and sharp yet balanced

Serving suggestions

On a cheese with honey or fruit.

Cheese pairings

Wine: Rosso Piceno, Sangiovese dei Colli Pesaresi, Sangiovese di Romagna.

Beer: trappist beers.

Jam: apricot and peach jam.

Honey: acacia honey.

Recipes with Pecorino di Fossa

Made with pasteurized sheep's MILK,
Volterra salt, rennet and enzymes.

Circular shape. Compact, white or slightly straw yellow paste

Pleasant, full and savory

Matured for
about 4/5 months