- 海鮮
- 肉類
- 亞洲菜
- 半熟芝士
- 清淡的意大利麵
這方面,跟你所想的(北意) 甜味Moscato不同,甜味這類酒適合配搭:
- 辣味菜、水果、沙律、甜品、creamy 芝士。
葡萄品種: 100% Noto 麝香葡萄 (Moscato)
釀造方法: 葡萄收成後放入小容器並於20分鐘內運送到酒窖。去梗和壓榨後,葡萄會在葡萄皮上進行24小時的浸漬,然後由天然酵母進行酒精發酵。隨後進行蘋果乳酸發酵,並儲存在鋼罐中。
成熟方法: 葡萄酒在鋼罐中陳年,以保存葡萄的獨特特性,然後再裝瓶。
海拔高度: 30米
種植密度: 每公頃4200株
收成時間: 八月底
顏色: 稻草黃色
香氣: 濃烈,有花香和異國水果的氣息
口感: 芳香,但平衡 (不算甜)
酒精含量: 13%
最佳飲用溫度: 12 - 14°C
話說香港某一間五星級酒店 (提示:一個單字英文字母) 有serve一支西西里紅酒,
當然有試哂成個系列嘅紅酒、白酒 😉 非常好味!
Moscato Noto DOC
Grape Variety: 100% Moscato di Noto
Vinification: The grapes are harvested in small containers and transported to the cellar within 20 minutes. After destemming and crushing, the grapes undergo a 24-hour maceration on the peels, followed by alcoholic fermentation with indigenous yeasts. Malolactic fermentation occurs, and the wine is stored in steel silos.
Refinement: The wine is aged in steel, preserving the unique characteristics of the grapes before being bottled.
Altitude: 30m asl
Planting Density: 4200 vines/ha
Harvest Time: End of August
Organoleptic Characteristics
Color: Straw yellow
Nose: Intense, reminiscent of flowers and exotic fruit
Taste: Aromatic, but balanced (not sweet as the north style)
Alcohol Content: 13%
Service Temperature: 12 - 14°C