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Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】
  • 將圖片載入圖庫檢視器 Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat  脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】

Olives Ascolana stuffed with Meat 脆脆肉餡橄欖 - 1 kg 【🧊急凍】

每 / per 

上年意大利之旅時,與啊Ling同遊Puglia之後 我就北上去了中部東岸城市Ancona,當地朋友帶我去一間bar,幫我點野食。殊不知俾我食到呢個「脆脆肉餡橄欖」,第一次食,實在覺得味道驚為天人!




一年之後我都決定喺自己小店賣呢款香港應該冇咩人認識嘅產品,最開心嘅係而家我賣緊呢款,同我當年喺意大利食到嘅係一樣嘅味道~滿足!亦好歡迎香港新式酒吧向我入手呢款特色Party Food✨





✅油炸 2-3分鐘

❓微波爐:冇落油,試過一次,唔夠脆⋯下次落油再試(官方建議:800watt : 2-3 mins )

❓焗爐:冇落油,試過一次,唔夠脆⋯下次落油再試 ( 官方建議:Oven: 210 degrees : 10-12min )

❓氣炸鍋 / 光波爐:未知道,等大家feedback

——— 地理文化小知識

佢係Ancona嘅省份Le Marche地道代表美食,"Ascolana "意思係 "來自Ascoli Piceno” 。 Ascoli 係Le Marche的其中一個重要城市(嗰度有超級超級巨型嘅古代教堂,搭火車遠遠經過都能夠見到山上邊有座巨型建築!) 



Olive all'ascolana

Green Olives Stuffed with different kinds of meat and coated with crispy breading.

Crisp, breaded green olives stuffed with seasoned minced meat of different kinds. This is without a doubt one of the most renowned typicalities of the Italian culinary tradition. Olive all'Ascolana are a must on the menu of the best restaurants and caterers, a tasty starter and buffet appetizer. The perfect finger food to enjoy with good beer at the bar and in pubs.

You can put them in the oven or fry them in a pan. It takes 2 minutes to make!

Pan Fry : 190degree : 2-3 min ✅most recommended
Oven: 210 degrees : 10-12min 
Microwave : 800watt : 2-3 mins