![【12.5度】White Wine in Pink - Pinot Grigio Ramato - Corte Giacobbe - 750ml [Silk-Smooth] [Full-Bodied] 【DOC】](http://www.rizzy.hk/cdn/shop/products/image_89ea3c17-7938-4c3c-b407-d46791f08170_{width}x.jpg?v=1681204093)
粉紅 白酒 Pinot Grigio Ramato
Texture : Silk-Smooth, Full-Bodied
如果你愛飲Pinot Grigio,我哋嘅Pinot Grigio Ramato你聽過未呢?有冇好奇點解明明Pinot Grigio係白葡萄,呢隻 Pinot Grigio就係粉紅色呢?
1.當 Pinot Grigio 葡萄被壓碎,又畀葡萄皮同葡萄汁一齊釀製時,一種具觸感嘅質地就會產生於呢一種獨特風格嘅葡萄酒,稱為 ramato。
2. Rame = 意大利語中:銅,係指葡萄酒嘅琥珀色(即係淺粉紅色)。佢嘅顏色係因為葡萄皮同葡萄酒長時間接觸而來,通常係12到36小時。
3.呢種葡萄皮接觸,可增加單寧同 Texture,同時保留葡萄芳香同果味。比普通的白葡萄酒更 Full Body同Fresh。 Ramato 酒通常帶有柑橘、桃子嘅香氣同味道,有時仲帶有淡淡礦物味道。
4. 呢種葡萄酒源自意大利東北部的Friuli (弗留利) 地區。係該地區嘅代表酒之一。意大利人於19世紀中已經開始製作Pinot Grigio Ramato,於意北流傳及普當普及,比起當今香港普及嘅Pinot Grigio 歷史更悠長,亦都唔係我地平時飲到Pinot Grigio Dry & Untinted 嘅質感。
5. Ramato 酒適合搭配各種食物,例如 Prosciutto、 白肉、烤魚、炸魚、Soft Cheese蔬菜沙律。 佢都好夾亞洲式美食,如越南春卷或日本刺身,或者作為下午茶同餐前酒享用。
“Ramato is for the wine lover who wants more from their Pinot Grigio.”
Alcohol : 13%
Region : Province of Venice
Producer : Tenuta Corte Giacobbe
DOC : Vinified according to the tradition of Venezia region (the once Republic of Venice).
Aroma:Peach predominates on the nose, complemented by impressions of tropical fruit, such as pineapple and heightened by subtle floral notes of spring wildflowers. Elegant and silk-smooth in the mouth, yet firmly structured and full-bodied. Beautifully crisp, progressing regally to a lingering finish.
Soil:The Dal Cero family history begins with a volcanic figure. Augusto. It was he who, in the midst of war and devastation, managed to keep intact a dream that was rooted in the first vineyards on his property in Soave. The two hills whose lava soils he broke apart with his hands to plant his vineyards were the dream that bore fruit.
An ideal partner with light and vegetarian antipasti, and perfect with fish.